
Showing posts from November, 2020

Coronavirus: A Huge Business Model?

The Lancet , a very popular medical journal published a report that blew my mind! On the basis of this report if you read the treatment protocol of the World Health Organisation with regard to coronavirus we will be astounded! Whenever a virus (be it chikungunya, dengue or coronavirus) enters our body then the virus begins to multiply and starts to spread but only when the body temperature is below 99 degree fahrenheit. Our body uses fever as a weapon against the virus and the temperature of the body rises in the state of 101 to 104 degree fahrenheit. In this state the virus begins to this integrate and becomes inactive, our immune system becomes active and throw the virus out of the system, but as per the treatment protocol of WHO the moment a person's temperature rises above 99 degree fahrenheit, the patient is administered antipyretic medicine and the temperature is brought down, so the patient’s morbidity rate, mortality rate and length of illness only increases...N